While I was at home this past weekend, I found a book called Can You See What I see? The Night Before Christmas...It's basically an Eye Spy type of book. What interested me were the pictures for the book - the author Walter Wick was also the photographer. I visited his website thought all of his photos for the various books he has done were really interesting and different.
This weekend I was driving home and I noticed, as the sun was setting, that the sky was looking really cool! The clouds were so interesting and the light coming through was so pretty. I took this picture with my phone while trying to stay on the road...haha
lain bagwell is a food photographer in town. he does some great graphic work, he also has a pretty swanky studio. not as fun as tim's though (is that some "A"-level brown nosing?)
My friend shared this blog with me a couple months back, and I kind of love it (hence why it is now one of my top sites on safari). I love how everything is incredibly organized. It might be the OCD side of me coming out a little bit, or it could be the fact that all of it just looks really nice. Either way, check it out. http://thingsorganizedneatly.tumblr.com/archive
I know that I have mentioned the Ikea cookbook in class a couple of times so I'm finally posting it to the blog. I really love how they took kind of a new concept on a cookbook. I know I've never looked at a cookbook and thought it was cool before now.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
This is little miss. Brylee again. I love this shot. Because it shows her innocence. She is a doll to shoot
My niece Brylee jade really inspires me. She is just so cute and smart. So we went on a photoshoot the other day, and she dragged her little red wagon around everywhere we went. She is the perfect little model =)
I read this blog called A Cup of Joe and she is always talking about her wedding photographer, Max Wagner, and how great he was and the work he is doing now so I went to look at his website. I really liked his engagement and couples pictures - they are fun and quirky!
Well, I said I like the crazy weird pictures and came across this series of extreme body paint. They are pretty extreme and almost creepy but I can't quit starring at them! lol (Thats some weird S***!!!)
So, I am always drawn to the more weird and out of the box photography and I happened to stumble across these on Trendhunter as well. I think the photographer's name is Natalie Shau...
I found Roman Goebel on trend hunter and I have fallen in love with his portrait work! The color choices and the use of lighting make each one of his pictures so unique and interesting! Here are just a few that I like!
Black & White still life from my good friend Terry Johnston. Terry is an event shooter to pay the bills, but in his spare time he searches for fun urbex & urban decay subject matter. Enjoy!
Another interesting shot from Miss Aniela, shot during golden hour. I love it because of the interesting subject matter as much as the fact as the warm light distracted me from the fact that it's freezing outside for just a moment =)
These images I came across last week and I wanted to share them. I think it amazing how visually wondrous images can be in complete juxtaposition by the content they reveal. The horrific, awful, inhuman, collective unconsciousness of war and destruction as well as how our physical laws react to such feels visually fascinating. I don't like the weird feeling I get to be visually fascinated by the opposite of love.
So, I saw this website and thought this picture was SO cool - it's a rug made out of pasta! Just thought it was a really interesting idea and it created a cool photo.
I took these photos with my iphone. I just couldn't pass up taking these pictures of the colors of the sky being reflected on the surface of the water.
About a week ago there was a full moon out driving back into the city from home and i was driving so once i stopped at a red light i rolled down my window and shot this. I managed to get the street light the red lights and the tiny moon all in the picture. This was about 6:00
I was driving home (bama) the other day and I saw this in my neighbors field and stopped and grabbed my camera and explored. This picture reminds me of home and I love field shots. The lighting was great for this shot in my oppinion
Hey Everyone,
Just a reminder that we will meet at the Circus tonight for class. If you want to work on some images while I'm there and get my input that's fine. Otherwise bring your mood boards, story boards, and magazine story concepts for discussion.
Ryan is a photographer out of New York. I am not usually a fan of black and white, but these really work for me (plus it's nudes and animals, what a combo?)