Wednesday, June 30, 2010

how to make onboard flash suck a little less

(above) my friend Perri, shot squeezing a white plastic bag over the flash...

the Sam Adam's Summer Ale filter...
my friend Monica, using a napkin folded into a square and held about an inch in front of the flash

I brought my rebel out with me a few times this last week, which was a bit of a pain in the ass - particularly when having a few beers and trying to watch USA not lose to Ghana (sigh...). Anyways, I began experimenting with ways to filter the onboard flash so it doesn't look quite so shoddy. Results are above...
My friend Marni (middle of the summer ale filter shot) has a g11 and we messed around with that thing using restaurant menu filters, blue gatorade filters. point is, as much as onboard flash sucks, its still fun to goof around with ways to make those underlit candid party shots a little more interesting.

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