Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Transparent and Reflective

With this bulb...I tackled my table top assignment...

I attempted Jewelry on a white sweep....
and then a black one....
Bought transparent suckers - that I never could get to look transparent while shooting them
played for hours with them...cussed them out....cried once...threw a baby fit that even my three year old wouldn't throw....broke all of them by tripping over the clamp light chord causing my entire operation to fall to the the ground (thankful for the acrylic - can you imagine glass??)

thought about Tim's in class demo...pulled out Rachael Ray's knife and begin to shoot it...was kinda proud of's not Tim's work, but its better than my attempt at glass last week:)

because it's........
"so sharp it can slice through meat as if it were butter"
tHe EnD....Tomorrow is a new day....I am hoping it will be better:)

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