Sunday, January 25, 2009

Carpe Diem!

The thorn in my side that is Photoshop has now withered away into a mere splinter for the time being as I've finally learned how to convert a smart object picture into a saved jpeg. What was holding me back before is no longer! Apparently .tiff is too big of a file size for this teensy blog. I am now seizing this opportunity to post a gadzillon pictures to make up for my lack there of.

On Friday I went to Bham to visit my new little friend.

Meet baby Rhys (pronounced Reese):

I am a huge fan of natural light, but of course, what photographer isn't? Initially the family offered to flip on the tungsten lights and I am sure you can all imagine the cringing I experienced inside at the idea. They must have seen me gazing longingly at the window because they asked if I'd like to open the blinds instead. Um... does that even need an answer? But I quickly accepted.

One window facing east. It can make all the difference.

More to come...



tmox said...

These are nice. Good job! It helps to look at photoshop like it is a tool just like your camera and your lights. The more you use it the more comfortable you become with it. It takes time so stick with it.

Hello said...

I have to say that the second one is probably my favorite. To me, it has the best lighting and I like the cropping you chose.